Friday, March 26, 2010

4 Steps to teach less for more

1) Decide what you are going to say.
Determine the critical things this person/group needs to learn.

2) Decide to say one thing at a time.

Too much info has a cancelling effect.
Multiples ideas actually compete for a listener's attention. Every additional idea we introduce diminishes the effectiveness of the prior ideas already presented. When people walk away from a teaching moment with just one principle that can be applied, they are much more likely to remember it and beging trying to apply it!
Focus on just one principle and you enhance the potential of every listener to really 'get it'.

3) Decide how you are going to say it.

We need to engage the mind and the heart.
People have different learning styles which we must try to appeal to. When using multiple mediums, all must complement the one main idea.
When an audience gets confused by mixed messages, they disengage.

4) Say it over and over again.

What is worth remembering is always worth repeating.

Repetition is how we learn.

Repetition is thus really important.

Good presentation, not new information, engages a students imagination.
We need to package the one idea in an engaging and relevant way. The problem is not finding new info, but better presenting timeless truths so they will never be considered irrelevant.
Repitition is really important....

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