We have to teach with the end in mind.
* When we do this, understanding that people are on a journey, we are forced to prioritise what we teach, and when.
* All Scripture is inspired by God; but not all Scripture is equally important to a person/group at any given time. Further, all Scripture is not equally able to be applied at any given time. (If we've worked with people in different age groups and different situations, we already know this to be true. We would find it unhelpful to try to teach the details of the story of David and Bathsheeba to preppies; but might find it very applicable to teenagers whose hormones are racing like crazy)
* To teach less for more, we must identify and package a handful of must-know, can't-be-without, age-appropriate principles for each target group.
* What are we going to say and not say in the limited time we have with people?
* We must make time before teaching a group, to decide what the big issues are for them; and establishing them as the irreducible minimums we must address.
* In doing this, we are saying that these things are the MOST important; not the ONLY things that are important.
* Thinking this way asks the question "How do I want to help shape these people?", since we must keep the end in mind.
* When we think about how we are helping to shape people, this changes the way we teach.
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